Friday 20 January 2012


Whew. This week has just been crazy busy for me, and seems like it has completely flown by. I am so happy that the weekend is here!! No joke.

I've got a few little projects that I want to complete this weekend. But I need to run out to Michael's to get some supplies (yipee!). Michael's lights a fire under my butt to get things done, as well as gives me so many ideas for new projects. The latter can sometimes end up being a bad thing because I end up with more ideas than I can do in a year :)

For Christmas I made some button art for my friend (which she loved) and I love the way it turned out. I am thinking that I want to make one for myself. I also need to hang the curtains in the bedroom, spruce up the wine glasses like so, DIY the welcome mat for our front door, and possibly make some more DIY artwork. . . ha ha, yeah right. I think I may want to accomplish a little more than is physically possible. But I will do my darndest. Or perhaps I'll just sleep in all weekend, that is also a possibility :)


Be back on Monday to let you know how I did.

Tata for now. xoxo


  1. Thanks! That is so sweet of you :)

  2. The button art looks amazing! It's a real stand-out on the gallery wall! I can't wait to see all of your other projects!
