Friday, 4 January 2013

Bring on 2013

Hello lovelies,

I trust that you all had a fantastic holiday season filled with friends, family, presents, lots of love and lots of delicious food.  I was hoping to blog over the Christmas break, but just could not find time.  But it sure was nice to unplug and enjoy the company of my friends and family, while sitting in sweatpants and stuffing my face ;)

Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, before the stockings were hung with care
I cannot believe that the first week of 2013 is almost over!!  Time just seems to slip by so fast, and it's hard to keep up sometimes!  I still have yet to buy my 2013 day planner, so I'm feeling a bit behind.  I usually like to write down my goals for the year at the beginning of the planner so I can reflect every so often to make sure I'm on the right track.

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
When I was younger, I tried to do the whole resolution thing - write down what I'd like to change in the New Year - but that just got so exhausting and anytime I'd slip up, I'd feel like a failure and the year would be a write-off.  I have, over the years, moved away from the "resolutions" and into "things I would like to do this year".  It just seems easier more attainable, and puts way less pressure on me, myself and I.

The sweetest reunion between old friends

Some of my goals for this year involve the following: Drink more water.  Get to the gym more often (our condo fees do pay for a lovely gym about a min from the house - I should probably start using it more).  Expand my culinary repertoire by trying new recipes and taking a cooking class or two.  Less texting - more talking.  Have people over more (no matter what the house looks like).  Read and write more (this includes writing more often on the blog).  Take time to get away with the boy. 

And that's the starting off point.

Welcoming the new year, 2013!!
What is your stance on resolutions?  Do you write out hardcore resolutions like attain a certain weight, or cut out sugar?  Or keep it simple like me?  Do tell.

Tata for now.

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